WASHINGTON -- Concord Coalition Co-Chairmen Warren Rudman and Sam Nunn and President Peter Peterson announced today that effective immediately, ...
WASHINGTON -- On the heels of President Clinton's remarks this morning touting a “larger than projected” surplus and calling ...
WASHINGTON -- On the heels of its recent National Debt Clock tour, the Concord Coalition reminded lawmakers today that ...
WASHINGTON -- The Concord Coalition's National Debt Clock – an oversized electronic scoreboard that ticks off the growth of our ...
WASHINGTON -- The Concord Coalition has placed a full-page advertisement in this Sunday's New York Times (August 15, 1999) ...
WASHINGTON -- The Concord Coalition today urged Congress to put the interests of future generations first by rejecting the proposed ...
WASHINGTON --With the House and Senate headed toward passage of a $792 billion, 10-year tax cut, The Concord Coalition today ...
WASHINGTON -- The Concord Coalition today urged the House of Representatives to reject the The Financial Freedom Act of ...
WASHINGTON -- The Concord Coalition today welcomed President Clinton's Medicare reform proposal but questioned the lack of means testing ...
WASHINGTON -- The Concord Coalition today warned against creating new entitlements based on future budget surpluses that President Clinton ...
WASHINGTON -- The Concord Coalition today announced its strong opposition to H.R.1000, the Aviation Investment and Reform Act for ...
WASHINGTON -- With the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means holding hearings today and tomorrow on plans to ...