In signing the final piece of the health reform legislation, President Obama sought to shift some of the ...
According to a March 29 Roll Call article (subscription required), Senate Republicans have gone home for the two-week congressional ...
This week, Concord debuts a redesigned version of our Washington Budget Report. This week, Concord debuts a redesigned version of ...
It looks like we might be entering the final week(s) of (at least) this year's legislative push on ...
Perhaps the most difficult policy question Concord has been discussing with the public, the media, and members of ...
The end game for health care reform may finally have arrived. Some in Congress are suggesting that a decision ...
With today being the one-year anniversary of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (more commonly referred ...
Following up on our press release about the President's Fiscal Year 2011 budget proposal, here are a few ...
If fiscal responsibility calls for significant changes in the big federal entitlement programs, shouldn’t the defense budget face ...
As the White House and congressional leaders rethink health care reform after the Republican upset in the Massachusetts ...
"It isn't fiscally irresponsible to raise the debt limit, I think it would be rather irresponsible not to ...
It’s a little amusing to see how badly the idea of a bipartisan fiscal commission has frightened some ...