Defense officials are calling for a comprehensive overhaul of the military’s bases, training grounds and other facilities after ...
With yesterday’s deadline for filing most individual tax returns, many Americans are again wondering how the overly complex ...
Unfunded pension liabilities for state, local and federal governments have grown to $7 trillion, according to a new ...
Despite the lack of a budget resolution, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said last week that the Senate ...
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) says problems in financial reporting and management continue to raise questions about the ...
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump recently estimated that he could pay off the nation’s $19 trillion debt within ...
In an interview with Bob Woodward of the Washington Post, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump estimated last week ...
Amid widespread concern about rising tuition rates, top Republican tax-writers appear to be taking a hard look at ...
Without any serious progress on a budget resolution in the House, some pragmatic lawmakers are reportedly considering a ...
As Congress slides into April without any serious progress on a budget resolution in the House, some pragmatic ...
Under the president’s proposed budget for Fiscal 2017, the federal deficit would decline in 2017 and 2018 but ...
The federal government will spend $660 billion this year on health care for Americans under 65 years old, ...