Although elected officials must make politically difficult choices to put the government’s finances on a sustainable path, some ...
Last Thursday, Congressman Reid Ribble invited The Concord Coalition to host a panel of experts on Capitol Hill ...
The nation’s current fiscal path threatens to leave future generations of Americans with less opportunity and reduced prosperity, ...
Personal savings are an essential part of good retirement planning, particularly as the needs of an aging U.S. ...
The economic recovery and some steps by elected officials have reduced deficits over the past few years. But ...
A bad idea in both President Obama’s Fiscal 2015 budget and Ways and Means Chair Dave Camp’s (R-Mich.) ...
How large is $7.9 trillion? Large enough to fund the federal departments of Defense, Agriculture, Transportation, Education, Commerce, ...
The House has passed a bill to reform Medicare payments to providers but doomed the legislation by attaching ...
A bipartisan plan in the Senate to extend emergency unemployment benefits could provide badly needed assistance for ...
House Ways and Means Chair Dave Camp (R-Mich.) remarked recently that there are some similar ideas in the ...
The latest Financial Report of the U.S. Government shows that despite recent lower deficits, long-term fiscal policy remains ...
President Obama’s budget for Fiscal 2015 includes new proposals that would exceed the discretionary spending caps that he ...