In a letter last week to their Senate colleagues, the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Finance ...
As more baby boomers retire and the over-65 population rises from 12 percent of Americans in 2010 to ...
The Department of Defense has begun to scale back its operations to comply with $487 billion in spending ...
Legislation to revamp the nation’s immigration laws is on track for Senate approval this week after an expensive ...
Last week the House of Representatives unexpectedly failed to pass a new 5-year farm bill. Without legislation, policies ...
House and Senate plans for appropriations bills for 2014 are currently about $91 billion apart, setting the stage ...
Chad Laurie is an intern at The Concord Coalition. Chad Laurie is an intern at The Concord Coalition. Historically low interest rates, ...
As demographic challenges and health care costs continue to cloud the federal budget outlook, a panel of experts ...
A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report warns of grave difficulties if Washington can’t agree on a new ...
Looking into the details of the recent Social Security Trustees report shows that waiting to reform the program ...
After a long period of abnormally low interest rates, their recent uptick has led to considerable ...
Some in Washington are ready to declare victory over the deficit problem, and on Monday Standard & Poor’s ...