With a 241-180 vote, the House last week approved legislation to provide $50.5 billion in appropriations to aid ...
As policymakers look towards the upcoming budget debates over the debt ceiling and “automatic” spending cuts (the sequester), ...
President Obama’s inaugural address Monday touched lightly on the subject of deficit reduction, but it failed to convey ...
In his press conference this week, President Obama suggested that policymakers only need to pass another $1.5 trillion ...
Many states face severe fiscal challenges that could be made even more difficult by Washington’s budget problems, according ...
National Taxpayer Advocate Nina E. Olson bolsters the case for tax reform in her annual report to Congress, ...
President Obama last week praised White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew, his nominee for Treasury secretary, as ...
With Democrats and Republicans squaring off over upcoming budget decisions, The Concord Coalition is urging elected officials to ...
Although recession-related pressures on state budgets may be easing, governors and other state officials around the country are ...
Over the weekend, President Obama signed legislation to provide an initial $9.7 billion in disaster relief funding for ...
The 113th Congress convened last week amid widespread concern that the fiscal cliff legislation – signed Wednesday by ...
On his way out the door, retiring Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) had a lot to ...