As they continue wrestling with the nation’s fiscal and economic challenges, elected officials in Washington would do well ...
When faced with the numbers, most Americans are willing to take on the shared sacrifice necessary to eventually ...
After months of debate and negotiation, Congress on Tuesday approved legislation to avoid the most immediate consequences of ...
Once again we have a political punt. With no time left on the clock, Senate Democrats and Republicans ...
For the third week in a row, I will be discussing the nation’s fiscal challenges on C-SPAN’s Washington ...
The pace of budget negotiations between President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner has picked up in recent ...
In the Senate last week, the Democratic Steering Committee selected Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) to lead the Budget ...
The stakes in Washington’s current budget battles are particularly high for college students and other young Americans, according ...
In September 1992, three concerned public figures launched The Concord Coalition in front of a national debt clock ...
The federal debt is a “ticking time bomb” that puts the U.S. economy at risk, jeopardizes our standard ...
With the latest exchange of offers, President Obama and House Speaker Boehner have moved closer to a deal ...
The White House has formally requested $60.4 billion in federal funding for recovery from the damage caused by ...