Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said last week that the country must start making tough decisions to rein ...
Trustees of the Social Security system have long warned that as more and more baby boomers retired, Social ...
President Obama's proposed budget contains increased immediate spending targeted at the continuing recession, but includes several measures and ...
Before leaving town in December, Congress raised the statutory debt limit by $290 billion to $12.39 trillion. This ...
I. Introduction With the House having passed its version of health care reform (H.R. 3962) and the Senate on ...
Health care legislation currently being debated in the Senate creates a new Independent Medicare Advisory Board (IMAB). The ...
I. Health care savings: trust but verify I. Health care savings: trust but verify Despite the contentious nature of ...
By David Koitz This is Issue #6 in The Concord Coalition Series on Health Care and Medicare. For ...