In WITN (North Carolina) Greenville, N.C. -- From the stock market, to budget deals the country's finances are a big ...
WASHINGTON -- The Concord Coalition expressed frustration today over Washington’s need for repeated short-term stop-gap funding measures and ...
WASHINGTON --The tax legislation produced by congressional negotiators and scheduled to be voted on this week remains as ...
WASHINGTON -- The Concord Coalition said today that the tax legislation considered by the Senate is based on flawed ...
WASHINGTON -- With the House and Senate now considering separate plans to overhaul the tax code, The Concord ...
WASHINGTON -- The Concord Coalition warned that the tax plan released today by the House Ways and Means ...
WASHINGTON -- The Concord Coalition said today that fiscal policy has taken a very negative turn with adoption ...
The Concord Coalition said today that the Senate, in adopting a Fiscal Year 2018 budget resolution calling for ...
WASHINGTON -- The Concord Coalition announced today that it is honoring two governors known for their success in ...
WASHINGTON -- The Concord Coalition urges congressional leaders and President Trump to ensure that the proposed tax cuts ...
The Concord Coalition warned today that the latest attacks on the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) threaten to destroy ...
WASHINGTON -- The Concord Coalition is pleased that the House Budget Committee has voted to advance a budget ...