Facing The Future

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The Harris and Trump Budget Proposals

Special Guests: Kent Smetters

Is There Hope on Healthcare Costs?

Special Guests: Josh Gordon

Appropriations Deadlines, Tax Changes, and The Debt

Special Guests: Bill Gale, David Lerman

Social Security's 89th Birthday

Special Guests: Dan Coats

Depolarization Needed for Debt Solutions

Special Guests: Erik Carter, Kevin Wiley

Debt Solutions Are Possible

Special Guests: Jeffrey Holland, Andrew Lautz

Tax Policy on the Campaign Trail

Special Guests: Steven Rosenthal

Should the Fed Cut Interest Rates?

Special Guests: Gordon Gray

Washington's Do Nothing Plan

Special Guests: Bob Kerrey, Jack Danforth

What Have We Learned From COVID?

Special Guests: Michael Osterholm

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