Facing The Future
Two Views: Biden's Infrastructure Plan
Special Guests: Ben Ritz, Director of the Center for Funding America’s Future at the Progressive Policy Institute, and Brian Riedl a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.
The Question for Biden: How to Pay the Bills?
Special Guests: Jim Capretta, Resident Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Isabel Sawhill, Senior Fellow in Economic Studies at the Brookings Institution. Tori Gorman, Policy Director at The Concord Coalition.
Wash, Rinse, Repeat: Reconciliation
Special Guests: The Concord Coalition Team
Detailed Proposals and Fond Farewells
Special Guests: Concord Coalition Policy Director, Tori Gorman, Concord’s National Field Director, Phil Smith, and Director of Health Policy for the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Josh Gordon.
We Need a Strategic Plan
Special Guests: David M. Walker, Robert L. Bixby, Tori Gorman
Time to Put the Genie Back in the Bottle?
Special Guests: Robert L. Bixby, Tori Gorman, Bill Hoagland
Reconciling Differences: COVID Relief and Immigration Reform
Special Guests: Robert L. Bixby, Tori Gorman, George Bruno.
Vaccine Distributors and Accountants
Special Guests: Robin Abbott, Matt DiLoreto
Providing Help Where It's Needed Most
Special Guests: Ben Gitis, Bob Bixby, Tori Gorman
Shape of Things to Come: Five Imperatives for Policymakers
Special Guests: Concord Coalition Executive Director, Bob Bixby, and Richard Jackson, president of the Global Aging Institute
Senators Kerrey and Danforth: Bipartisanship and "Regular Order" Needed in Congress
Special Guests: Bob Bixby, Bob Kerrey (D-NE), Jack Danforth (R-MO)
GAO: Guardrails Needed for Long-Term Fiscal Policy
Special Guests: Bob Bixby, Gene Dodaro