Lawmakers ought to have an opportunity to vote on a common-sense proposal to shift the federal government to a biennial budgeting cycle before leaving town at the end of September, Concord Coalition Government Relations Director Phil LaRue writes this week.
“A longer-term budget would give Congress more time to focus its attention on the real drivers of growing federal deficits: aging demographics, rising health care costs and an inefficient tax code,” LaRue said. There have been reports that House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) may place a biennial budgeting proposal on the floor before Congress leaves town.
The legislation, authored by Rep. Reid Ribble (R-Wis.), would move the government to a biennial cycle, with the budget resolution and appropriations measures completed in the first year of the cycle. In the second year lawmakers could focus on oversight and long-term planning, which are often neglected under the current system.
Ribble’s bill is co-sponsored by 238 House members, including 182 Republicans as well as majorities of the New Democrat Coalition and Blue Dog Coalition on the Democratic side of the aisle.
External links:
Concord Letter to Rep. Reid Ribble on Biennial Budgeting