Broad tax reform could simplify the tax code, boost the country’s economy and help reduce deficits all at ...
Tomorrow the Senate Finance Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on budget enforcement mechanisms, a topic that ...
Elected officials in both parties have made what I call “magical, mystery tax pledges” that are at odds ...
Federal budget experts and ordinary citizens alike are asking for greater scrutiny of defense spending as part of ...
The Bipartisan Policy Center's (BPC's) Debt Reduction Task Force, led by former Senate Budget Committee Chairman Pete Domenici ...
Congressional leaders have completed their appointments to a deficit-reduction panel proposed by President Obama but the group will ...
If President Obama and Republican leaders in Congress hope to build consensus around a plan for fiscal sustainability, ...
House Republicans have adopted a budget they say will make tough but necessary spending cuts to rein in ...
Projected federal deficits are so large that Congress should look far beyond the non-defense spending on which it ...
"Where is all of the money going?" While filling out tax returns and writing checks to the federal ...
The 2011 budget process finally came to a close last week when President Obama signed legislation funding the ...
President Obama has jumped into the debate over long-term fiscal responsibility with a plan that differs sharply from ...