There are several key issues to watch in this year’s budget and appropriations process. The goal is to ...
I have never been a fan of the Bush tax cuts. I’ve always felt they were too ...
College Park, Md. -- House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer last week urged Republicans and his fellow Democrats to ...
Trustees of the Social Security system have long warned that as more and more baby boomers retired, Social ...
With today being the one-year anniversary of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (more commonly referred ...
Following up on our press release about the President's Fiscal Year 2011 budget proposal, here are a few ...
NOTE: Additional analysis of the President’s new budget proposals can be found at our blog -- The Tabulation. ...
President Obama's proposed budget contains increased immediate spending targeted at the continuing recession, but includes several measures and ...
If fiscal responsibility calls for significant changes in the big federal entitlement programs, shouldn’t the defense budget face ...
WASHINGTON -- The Concord Coalition said today that new projections by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reinforce the ...
Before leaving town in December, Congress raised the statutory debt limit by $290 billion to $12.39 trillion. This ...