Throughout the day, Concord will be releasing new items related to today's budget numbers released by the CBO ...
Bloomberg and AP reported this week that the Obama Administration’s latest budget outlook, scheduled for release next Tuesday ...
Last Friday, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sent a letter to Congress requesting an increase in the statutory debt ...
I. Health care savings: trust but verify I. Health care savings: trust but verify Despite the contentious nature of ...
The Congressional Budget Office once again validates some intuition many of us had about health care reform: when ...
While the President's press conference Wednesday night got a lot of attention and focused substantially on health care, ...
In today’s Washington Post, Harold Meyerson complains that the centrist “Blue Dog” Democrats have a “can’t do” attitude ...
By David Koitz This is Issue #6 in The Concord Coalition Series on Health Care and Medicare. For ...
It has almost become axiomatic that growing health care costs, rather than population aging, is the overwhelming cause ...
Introduction Introduction President Obama has proposed a law requiring pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) budgeting for new entitlement spending, including health care ...
After reading this post, hopefully all of our loyal readers will finally understand the simplicity and beauty of ...
On June 15 and June 16, The Concord Coalition and the Youth Entitlements Summit (YES) hosted a two-day ...